Taiwanese Break World Record? 8.1 Mile Long Firecracker String!


Recently in Taipei, Taiwan to celebrate the 15th day of the Chinese New Year revellers lit an 8.1-mile string of firecrackers with hopes to break a record for the world's longest firecracker string that was suppose to last 2 hours. Spectators wore masks to protect them from the smoke of the continual firecracker string which until recently the record was kept by Spain at 7 miles. If you were at PGI in 2006 you would have witnessed the largest ignition of Firecrackers ignited by suspension on a crane and thousands of spectators hearing the awesome roar as the fire climbed up the Firecracker string. The faster burning was 600,000 firecrackers in 8 seconds and the most burned was 13 million in total lasting only a few minutes. This Super String took several days to construct with a family who spent months planning the logistics and theatrical ignition of the string.
