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[Movie] Godella 2008 Castillo Vicente Caballer


Registered User
Last fireworks of Godella 2008, castillo of Vicente Caballer. Good site for viewing the public. He started the show displaying a variety of different purposes, and throughout the show we saw digital sequences, which already toward time that we showed this Company fireworks.

Godella 2008 - Castillo - Vicente Caballer
File: Wmv
Size: 175 Mb
Time: 15:38


Registered User
Great, great, great! As a show not very impressive but there are some elements in it that take make it a big joy to watch. Especially the digital play with mines and candles stands out, having its peak in a beautiful final (as I hoped for while watching). Other remarkable features: some very longlasting swirling fishes in 2 shells and also from tails of a segment of candles?did I see that right? Further beautiful tourbillion mines launching higher tourbillion effects, with two rings. And something I hadn't seen before: double ring shells, in which both rings go into crossettes but with a timelapse, so the inner ring bursts into stars and only after that the outer ring does.
Those were things that stood out for me and made this show one to enjoy.

Thanks for sharing!
Laatst bewerkt:


Registered User
Lekkere show hoor. Zitten een aantal hele mooie bommen bij. Zoals Richardus ook al schrijft die twee bommen met de fishes zijn erg mooi. Al zat ik wel te hopen dat de fishes zouden eindigen als knallen, maar dat was niet zo.

En voor de Vicente kenners is het natuurlijk geen verrassing, er zitten een aantal stukken in waarin de single shots weer rijkelijk gebruikt worden:love:.

Show is het bekijken zeker waard.


Ik vind deze show 10x beter als z'n nit de foc show tijdens Fallas, afgelopen jaar. Zo zie ik Vicente graag z'n shows schieten, helemaal (nou bijna dan) goed.

Matthias Meyer

Registered User
Ic cant get enough from this multibreakshells with round spheres,i like then mor than this typical polyp effekts, the caballer company are true species in that!!!:smile::smile::smile:


Registered User
what a GREAT show !

nice special effects, multibreakshells, nice colours and very big and quality shells,

is this show getting more budget then the shows during Fallas ?
why didn't he shoot like that during the Nit the Foc ( Fallas ) ?


Registered User
I also think it is a budget thing.

The best show I've seen from vicente the last 4 years was that show at the 7th symposium, the level he reached at that show was very high, with the shows that followed after that vicente couldn't reach the level of perfection again until now.
What a display, multi break shells with salutes and ring effects, I've never seen it before, the combinations with the mines and candles, he is still my number one with the steppers, shells with high bright colors and longer duration of effects.
Vicente was also shooting very fast, normally between each theme he builds in a rest so people can applaud and get back there breath.

Javiktala muchios gracias!