Mascleta Pirotecnia Benlloch 06/03/2010


De review zal later online komen maar ik wil alvast Rafa Roca feliciteren met zijn eerste mascleta op het plein. Sinds een jaar werkt hij nu bij Pirotecnia Benlloch en die hebben zoveel vetrouwen in deze jonge pirotechnicus dat ze hem deze mascleta hebben toegewezen. Uiteraard heeft hij niet alles zelf gedaan maar hij heeft hem vandaag geschoten en de afgelopen weken maanden heeft ie het digitale gedeelte verzonnen en zelf gemaakt (fabriek).

De nieuwe generatie vuurwerkers uit Valencia komt eraan. Eerst hadden we Carlos Marti en Nu ook Rafa Roca...Het belooft heel wat moois voor de komende jaren.En ik ken Rafa persoonlijk. Zijn passie voor vuurwerk gaat heel erg ver en zulke mensen heb je nodig in het vuurwerk want met passie maak je de mooiste en beste shows!

En voor de info, Rafael is nog maar 19 jaar en op 21 Maart na dit grootse feest zal hij de 20 in gaan.

Rafa Roca, Felicidaded amigo! Un Neuvo meastro de pirotecnic!



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The pyrotechnic Chelva Jose Benlloch Light, returned to the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Valencia with renewed vigor and with the best of intentions. This was, in addition to the assistance of its regular workers, with the collaboration of Rafael Roca Gonzalez, also known as Pyro-rock, called "war" this young man so enamored of gunpowder. This disparity was dedicated to John Hall's wife, Maruja, unfortunately died recently.

Benlloch began shooting with a fireworks of Valencia, as they send more classical canons, serving very well with this testimonial precept. The subject strake placed directly on the protective fence, where failure. After that set fire to start air, green volcanoes and thunder part. These were fired from the side of the fault also. In a second stage air fire, smoke color appeared arranged so that from the North and South of the square appreciated a Senyera (flag of Valencia), with two yellow stripes, two red and one blue one the sides. Especially on television was very good this creation that was short. After this he added color volcanoes in the tip, truenillos, crackers and colored mosaic effects. All this accompanied by a double drip thunder.

After he used went like effects dragon egg or less obvious than the cracker, as it would be correct to call jewels. Formed after a pace truenillos hits that ran well marked spaces between the whistles that had just started to pitch. Reappeared colored smoke the same type as before. At one point the fire started land, without any labeling. Est form of the initial air became accompaniment. This support was truenillos colored whistles and more a trickle of thunder.

The air coming out from the side that gives post-Boats. The fire was sustained and even something quiet, until you reach the fourth retention, which escalated appreciably. There was also argued to fifth, with the colorful crosestes added color in the sky.

The entrance to the earthquake was something sudden, it began being noticed, especially by the change of pace that was at that time (since Earth came something stop). The phase of the bombing, with the previous truenillos (also from the side of the square), began before the close of the earthquake. This had to be, obviously, wanted by Jose Benlloch Light, much as it overlapped one with the other. After that came a long and continuous bombardment, up whistles (during ascent of the following casings), and another blast of thunder. Then more color volcanoes, thunder and an empty space, a second and a half long, before offering a very good lightning strike completely airtight.

Duration: 04 minutes and 59 seconds. In 2009 lasted 4'26''(''now had 33 more)


Een mascleta van 2010. Ik ben blij dat ik die van eergisteren kan onthouden :)