Mascleta by Hmnos. Borreda - 10/03/2010


Review door


For my taste, one of the most nourished tickets early, bright, long and beautiful than those seen so far. Elegance and good rate from single shot and swap platforms by automatically creating a terrific environment in the sky. Hits truenillos downloads, effects of red Croset, whistles, buzzers, powerful automatic boxes of thunder, all coming in slowly, with great elegance and a beautiful increscendo, ending with a bang in unison all the effects together creating a beautiful drawing in red in the sky followed by a nice burst of thunder-marking, and giving way to the earthly body.

A perfect and beautiful entry to Earth's powerful and thunderous body. Very strong in every way, but with an impressive pace, with a perfect accompaniment air, much like the principles but Croset tickets and incorporating strong thunderstorms. The powerful calibers land caused many of those present had to put their hands to their ears by the large acoustic pressure developed by the shot.

The perfect shot to the last discoursed retention where is your entry there was a small lapse of pace but soon, thousandths of seconds he turned to return to the grand entrance to an equally spectacular earthquake. An earthquake "Vola" which as I said with a grand entrance to my surprise, as this type of earthquake usually go a little rough but in this case was not well, coming only with a branch while still remaining the last drips of thunder from the recent arrest. An earthquake very, very strong double-gauge with thunder of No. 6 and above in three fireworks that is, but between thunder and lightning and thunder added fuses color changing colors according to the branches fired. The truth is that everyone left impressed by the strength and hardness of thunderstorms. A real passing that along with the principles aerial, ground and fire pace left us a great great pleasure in the body.

A link to a perfect bombing also very powerful in its full development. Pity this is then a short notice absence of sound because of some technical problem has been shot but reacted quickly pyrotechnicians out perfectly airy with two strokes with volcanoes and high-powered red thunder crickets from the four corners of the fire perimeter. All in all a spectacular mascletà attendees soon we forget the great power with elegance fired.



















Review door

Tenth mascletá in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Valencia. That of Ecuador. With this and only got nine more to finish the season faller 2010 March 19. The tenth day, as today, wants to keep every year Josep Borredá Bañols because "it is a day that I like." This was the third consecutive year that such shot Borredá day like today (2008, 2009 and today). Indeed, a former journalist in a major newspaper in Valencia, I commented yesterday on the balcony city, which had Borredá firing in the square since 1970. Well, no: it was two years before when he appeared in "La Bombonera" of fireworks: in 1968. This is evidenced by the table "table-summary of holdings in Fallas" (since 1934) that incorporates the institutional book of the City of Valencia, "Pyrotechnics in Valencia", published in 2008 and I am honored to sign with the great experts and José Enrique Ferriols Monrabal friends and Juan Jose Sola Palmer. Well, it seems that such data it had provided the firm itself Rafelcofer drafter. Take now to tell you it is, as of today, 32 actions that have made a total of "Brothers Borredá" in this epicenter fireworks in as many years of failures (at least on paper, without stopping to look at possible suspended).

Clarify this issue (already existing and published data studied disclose worth), we shot to the heart of today. The Borredá began his fire with a typical Valencian fireworks (very well preserve traditional forms), which was continued by truenillos red strokes to which he added, quickly, Croset also red. He followed with two shots of volcanoes truenillos red and ran out of Croset. Without stopping at any time the shot was doing to this initiative of the mascletá air, added whistles and again add Croset red. Besides making a very sharp pace with a slow trickle of thunder overhead. After that, without stopping, and re-emerged cicadas disappear Croset red (they were all from boxes of course). But the air start, which would lengthen, not quite. It was a steady start in which reappeared Croset (always all in red, so I obviaré already), but at a faster pace. He wore, besides names like truenillos strong truenitos (a variant noise, its intensity, which stepped between the truenillos and thunder). The truth is that it is only with such truenitos would be clear that the mascletá of Borredá would sound a lot. After this long and uniform (with "ups and downs" of Croset, of course) home air Broseta Vincent Caramel Borredá made a very wise thing: making a marking end of this first phase before starting air mascletá itself. This marking was with red volcano followed by a whistle. He had already announced before shooting coach Manolo Pascual Ferrandiz with good sense by emphasizing that "there will be a crochet front before the body" of the mascletá, for separation of home and the center of the show. This line marked in the drawing of the shot is fine. What surprised me was that when they let me pass to see the assembly (before the start, of course), the carrying amount of single shot was considerable. And yet, did not use them digitally. He used just to keep pace (very accurate, in fact), repetition in the air. Anyway, I was curious fact.

On the ground, the thunder came with colored flares before detonation, to give it a more colorful and nice shooting. More rich, always. The body construction of the shoot was lively and filled. In the air, accompanying, truenillos were also added color and whistles that after a while, it ended well, as happened with the air at the start Croset. This retention was happening in each of the first four. Upon reaching the junction of the fourth with the fifth there was a short downturn or threat of court. The fifth fire went through the center, unfolding on each side. The fact is that although in the earlier questions of how the earthquake would be those that would Borredá told me that many past and very soft start, once it came the fire that started well but after starting instants are bolted. So I broke his way.

The final air, well connected with the earthquake, consisted of a long bombardment, followed by red volcanoes and whistles on both sides of the square. A red was orphaned last volcano (on the post). After a brief lapse rose more whistles and red volcanoes from all over the place gradually moving to the sides, and up to three points barrage of thunder that were not together. However, the three were sealed, and, above all, that matters most: the last. Well closed the latter.

After the mascletá surprised me more than declarations of Vincent Pepe Carmelo Herrero Borredá Broseta Fallera wave (radio in which I issue a comment daily "hot" at about 14:15 hours on 98.7 FM in Valencia), this famous pyrotechnic said "we have not seen any mascletá of which have skyrocketed these days because my son had already designed the shot and did not want to change anything. Well, we saw only a"-which she said, "because it coincided we were eating at a restaurant and had the TV on. " I was shocked, I say, because I know that others are assiduously dusty previous shots (and later) to his, seeking to know how are things in the square. Anyway, it is noted that a good thing that took this mascletá of Borredá is that it was the longest so far this year and will be strange seeing someone overcome the history of the last three failures and to this day. It is up to, so the list that already were showing in the chronicle of the show by Marti on Monday 8, but extending it with mascletá today.