The Fallas trim a 50% the budget for monuments


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To a month, the faults of the province already are only warming up motor although the crisis has made an impression on them. And it is that the falleros do not want to resign to the celebration, although the economic situation has forced to reframe it not to eliminate certain acts that are essential, like the traditional offering of flowers. For this reason, the most significant cut has been applied in monuments, as it honors the president of the Federació de Falles de Burriana, Josep Us: “the reduction of the investment is placed between 30% and 50% with respect to other years”, relate.

If before a great commission dedicated about 40,000 or even about 60,000 Euros for the figures, now only it destines between 20,000 and 30.000. Other outstanding reductions are applied in “protocolic acts, flowers, decoration or gifts, among others”, indicate Us. As far as the City council, the subsidys to the groupings stay, although the allocation for the celebrations has been reduced and playful activities like mascletàs or acts in the streets have been eliminated. The cuts also extend to the other two falleras localities par excellence: the Vall and Benicarló. In the case of the valleros, the president of the fallera meeting, Jose Francisco Blackberry, indicates that “the commissions hold as they can, but do not want to remain without celebration, reason why they reduce expenses of the monument”. As far as Benicarló, the consulted groupings agree in indicating that it has done without costs like the pyrotechnics and the representative of the fallera organization, Pedro Manchón, indicates that “the will of the organizations causes that everything leaves ahead, but, if it follows thus all, the next year will be still more difficult”.

Capricious CALENDAR // Despite, for this year the perspective are better than those of the past year because the calendar is more benevolent when falling Sant Josep in Monday. This circumstance favors to Benicarló because “the weekend can be useful and will be three holidays nocturnal assured, with the consequent benefit for the commissions”, explains Manchón. In addition, it will throughout favor the arrival of visitors the weekend, “reason why a good atmosphere will be lived”, asserts. However, for Burriana the whims of the calendar can be interpreted of two forms, since it agrees with the celebrations of the Magdalena de Castellón. The proximity with the capital of the Flat one “will reduce visitors at night”, indicates Josep Us, since people of Almassora, Vila-real or Nules that used to come will praise/pour off by the celebration of Castellon de la Plana. Nevertheless, Burriana has been applying measured anticrisis, as a network of purchases unified to save expenses and to acquire products jointly. H