The Enemy


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It concerns no longer just a few. Worldwide more and more people run health risks through fireworks: people with respiratory diseases, metal allergies and chemical incompatibility.

A whole industry branch lives on fireworks production and a large amount of money is involved. Appeals to individuals to be concerned for the health of others are usually not successful.

Is the short pleasure of letting-off of fireworks to be valued higher than

- the lasting effects of injuries of acute and chronic poisonings of human beings caused by toxic substances in fireworks
- the acute and chronic poisonings of animals
- the acute and chronic poisoning of air, water and soils?

We wish that our Government recognizes

- that a large portion of our population needs protection
- that it goes ahead with a good example and that it makes no more presents in form of fireworks to its inhabitants
- that it starts campaigning on the dangers and health risks caused by fireworks

Our short-term goals are
- that the use of fireworks of any kind be banned from residential areas
- that private persons may set off fireworks only on August 1 and December 31 (Sylvester night), and this exclusively in areas deesignated by the autorities and on sites specially secured and outside residential areas
- that fireworks of any kind be set off only on August 1 and December 31 (Sylvester); that it be strictly forbidden to use fireworks on other than the days mentioned
- that no special permits be given to let-off fireworks on parties, on inauguration festivities, etc.
- that no kind of fireworks may be set off detonating louder than at 85 dB (decibel)
- that the sale of fireworks and pyrotechnic articles be only ever allowed on the three last preceding working days before August 1 and December 31

Our long-term goal is
- a total prohibition of all fireworks(no)


Registered User
From: ChemistrySet - view profile
Date: Fri, Nov 10 2006 12:09 pm
Email: "ChemistrySet" <>
Groups: rec.pyrotechnics

Here is my contribution to the Anti-Fireworks campaign at Action
Network ( ):

"I agree fireworks are noisy, poluting [sic] and as such anti-social!
We need less fireworks in this country - not more.
The sale and therefore the use of fireworks should be limited to Guy
Fawkes and to public displays which should be licenced. No need to sell
fireworks to the general public. Therefore limiting their anti-social

By Action Network U5392078 - on 02 Nov 2006 at 12:27

"Let me see if I understand you correctly: you want to ban private
sales & use of fireworks rather than ban only abuse of fireworks. Young
thugs in Britain beat to death my best friend in his South Croyden flat
with a wooden board (July, 2005), and youths kick and permanently
injure individuals who happen to be on their route after a drinking
bout. You, however, dare to advocate restriction of the liberty of
law-abiding people, as well as lawless, instead of enforcing a zero
tolerance toward anti-social crime. Does it not occur to you that your
kind of actions in themselves are so repugnant to the natural sense of
fairness in human nature as to be 'anti-social' to the extreme and
unworthy even of consideration? Are you trying to drive mankind mad
with your hyper-socialist nonsense? Even Communist China repealed the
ban on firecrackers in the inner city of Beijing after recognising the
perverseness of spoiling man's normal outlets for emotional stress, so
as not to drive him to the kind of despair which is as anti-social as
your own proposal and which leads directly to random violence of
flesh-&-blood human beings in rebellion against the totalitarian
socialist Statism which you exalt as if it were entirely civilised and
reasonable, when actually it is as barbaric as placing all men in cages
or shackles to prevent the crime of a minority -- instead of vigorously
& justly punishing the criminals sufficiently to halt the crime.
Destroy the dignity of liberty and you shall destroy the dignity of
civilisation. Rather, I suggest to you the advocacy of restoring
civility to society of the nature which existed in Great Britain in
former days, when even the most powerful of celebratory fireworks were
freely available to all. That, my friend, is going to require the kind
of social and anthropological honesty which I sadly fear you and your
ilk are utterly incompetent to understand."
