Programa provisional 2022 en ander Fallas-nieuws

Plum Bloom

Registered User
Opvallende noot in het de verwachting is dat het minder druk zal zijn dan gebruikelijk, omdat een deel van het volk uit angst voor besmetting het plein zal mijden.

Plum Bloom

Registered User
Ik snap het wel. 100.000 man op het plein met verplicht een mondkapje die je alleen af mag doen als je eet of drinkt 😅. Dus 99.500 man zijn dan erg druk met eten of drinken.
Als je dat waterdicht wilt krijgen, ontkom je niet aan toegangscontrole, inclusief fouilleren. Ondenkbaar, toch?


Registered User
Als je dat waterdicht wilt krijgen, ontkom je niet aan toegangscontrole, inclusief fouilleren. Ondenkbaar, toch?
Welk plan je ook maakt: niets is waterdicht. In de praktijk zal het hopelijk allemaal wel loslopen, maar ik denk dat we met z'n allen heel blij moeten zijn dat ze dit feest als vanouds willen laten doorgaan. Dat daar dan wat regeltjes komen kijken is jammer, maar als dat alles is...ik kan niet wachten tot die eerste salute weer de lucht in gaat. Met of zonder mondkapje komt dat geluid net zo lekker binnen :love:


Welk plan je ook maakt: niets is waterdicht. In de praktijk zal het hopelijk allemaal wel loslopen, maar ik denk dat we met z'n allen heel blij moeten zijn dat ze dit feest als vanouds willen laten doorgaan. Dat daar dan wat regeltjes komen kijken is jammer, maar als dat alles is...ik kan niet wachten tot die eerste salute weer de lucht in gaat. Met of zonder mondkapje komt dat geluid net zo lekker binnen :love:
Ronnetje erbij koen ! Have fun man. Samen met pat die kant op ?

Plum Bloom

Registered User
Opvallende noot in het de verwachting is dat het minder druk zal zijn dan gebruikelijk, omdat een deel van het volk uit angst voor besmetting het plein zal mijden. meldde vrijdag dat op de eerste dag dat de mond-neuskapjesplicht in de buitenlucht was vervallen (donderdag) het overgrote merendeel van de voorbijgangers in Valencia het kapje toch nog steeds droeg ...
Laatst bewerkt:

Plum Bloom

Registered User
Goed nieuws voor Fallas-gangers zonder coronatoegangsbewijs. Volgens de baas van de Valenciaanse Gemeenschap is het per 1 maart zo goed als zeker niet meer vereist.

Puig stelt dat het Covid-paspoort per 1 maart niet meer nodig is

De voorzitter van de Generalitat Ximo Puig kondigde vrijdag aan dat de Consell de eis van het Covid-certificaat vanaf 1 maart niet zal verlengen, een maatregel die al op tafel lag gezien de goede evolutie van gezondheidsindicatoren. Daarom eindigt de geldigheid ervan op de 28e, zodra de tweede verlenging die door de regionale overheid is goedgekeurd, afloopt.

"Ik denk niet dat het nodig is", gaf Puig toe in een interview met het Cadena Ser-programma Hora 25. "Als de gezondheidssituatie blijft zoals die nu is, met een zeer enorme afname van infecties en wat belangrijker is, ziekenhuisopnames en bezetting van IC's, de wil is dat er geen beperking is na de noodzakelijke tijd ", voegde de president eraan toe.

Gevraagd naar de Fallas- en Magdalena-festivals, herinnerde hij zich dat "er enige maatregel zal zijn", zoals het verplichte masker binnenshuis of in open ruimtes waar veel mensen zijn. Dit blijkt immers uit het laatste koninklijk besluit van de regering over het gebruik van de beschermer, die het onderhoud ervan buitenshuis vereist bij drukke evenementen waar het niet mogelijk is om een veiligheidsafstand van 1,5 meter te respecteren. Daarnaast wordt morgen het gezondheidsprotocol voor feestelijke evenementen geĂŒpdatet, met daarin een reeks aanbevelingen.

Het hoofd van de Consell verdedigde dat de burgers van de Gemeenschap zich "buitengewoon" hebben gedragen en wees erop dat "wanneer het eindresultaat van de pandemie wordt gezien, binnen het enorme ongeluk" dat het met zich meebrengt, de autonomie van Valencia "een positiever dan anderen. Ten slotte was hij voorstander van "de weg naar normaliteit", hoewel hij benadrukte dat "we nog steeds een pandemische situatie hebben".

Zodra de paspoortvereiste daalt, zullen de enige beperkingen die blijven bestaan, te maken hebben met de capaciteit in de horeca- en vrijetijdssector (tafels van maximaal tien personen) of in massale en professionele evenementen (tot 85% in de wedstrijden van de Professional League en de ACB-basketbal), zonder het gebruik van het masker op gesloten plaatsen voor openbaar gebruik te vergeten.

De epidemiologische gegevens van de afgelopen week hebben de ineenstorting van de zesde golf bevestigd, met een afname van 32% van het totale aantal infecties in vergelijking met de voorgaande periode, met 252 minder gehospitaliseerde patiënten (-39 op IC's) en met een daling van de incidentie bijna tweeduizend punten verzameld in vergelijking met 1 februari.


Plum Bloom

Registered User
Maskerplicht op het plein vandaag officieel bevestigd, geldt helaas ook voor de castillos.

Some "almost normal" Fallas except for the mask

The mask will be mandatory in the mascletaes, in which there will be no capacity control, and in any act with agglomeration but not for the participants in "ordered" parades | The camps and tents must follow the rules of the hotel industry, which will be relaxed next week

The Fallas 2022 and the Magdalena may not be like those of 2019, but they will be quite similar. The only big difference will be the use of masks in outdoor crowds (mascletaes, discomobiles...) and indoors because the vast majority of restrictions that were put in place to make it possible to "party" last September As a distance between falleras in the offering, they will disappear and now, contrary to the situation at the time, nightlife is open and there is no curfew in Valencia.

This has been transferred by the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, in an appearance before the media in which he has once again asked for prudence and co-responsibility because the pandemic, although declining, is still "with us" but assuring that "it was time to start the spring of recovery" and the Fallas embodied that positive "recovery spirit" both economically and emotionally. Thus, they will be " safe failures but as many failures as possible".

We will have to wait to know the details of the festive protocol, but due to what was transferred both by Puig and by the regional secretary of Public Health, Isaura Navarro, the mascletaes as we knew them will return, without capacity control and one for each day of March from from 1 to 19, but with a "mandatory" mask since it is an agglomeration and that is how it is foreseen in the state regulation. It should be remembered that since last Thursday, the mask is no longer mandatory outdoors but it must still be worn "in mass events that take place in outdoor spaces, when attendees are standing", according to the legal text now in force. .

The same will happen with other acts such as castillos or when attending to see the Offering although, yes, the participants will not have to bring it. In general, it will not be necessary for any of the members in "ordered" parades , as Navarro explained, such as offerings and cavalcades. In this section enter the tickets, targets and acts of musketry of Moors and Christians. They will have to take it, for example, in the Pilgrimage to Magdalena, as it is not an "ordered" parade.

In the protocol, according to Navarro, the peculiarities of each party have been taken into account and the rules have been adapted to each act.

The festive groups and groups will continue to be linked to the regulations that apply to restoration at that time . At this time there is still access control by covid certificate (if events are going to be held in which there is food and drink), tables with a maximum of 10 diners, mask indoors and cross ventilation. If the Fallas were to be held today, the closed houses would have to apply all the rules, but according to the president , next week the rules that are in force will be reviewed and, "if everything continues on the same horizon" of decrease of the pandemic as now "the current restrictions will be substantially lowered".

This means that, as Navarro has recalled, in Fallas it is more than possible that the maximum number of people per table and the covid certificate have fallen and the mask and the need to guarantee cross ventilation would be maintained, although we will have to wait.

Yes, the recommendation that the tents work as much as possible in "open air" mode is maintained, that is, with two sides open all the time to guarantee ventilation. If you choose to close them, the interior regulations would have to be applied. The recommendation of Public Health is that meals, lunches and dinners be done, preferably outdoors, that is, in tents that have a maximum of two sides or on a limited street.

Like last year, the figure of "covid managers" is maintained in each festive organization to apply recommendations, standards and resolve doubts.

Consolidated fall, change of speech​

The scenario with which the Fallas 2022 are now facing has nothing to do with the one painted by President Ximo Puig himself just 10 days ago. It was during the visit of Minister Carolina Darias when Puig announced that the Josephine festivities were not going to be able to be celebrated "completely normally" and that they depended on the "conditions that the pandemic demands" sending a message that the Fallas were going to be more similar to September than to any other March.

What has changed so that the discourse has turned so importantly? For now, on February 3, only three days had passed since the sixth wave had begun to fall and there was still fear that there could be a rebound. Since then, two consecutive weeks of falling contagion figures have already been completed , in addition, in an important and sustained way.

The maximum incidence was marked on Friday, January 28, with 4,305 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, while last Friday it was almost half, at 2,041 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and falling, as well as the numbers of hospitalized and seriously ill patients in the ICU. or indicators that predict changes in trend such as the reproductive number (which marks how many new infections each infected person generates), which remains at 0.7 below the pandemic control threshold, set at 1.

Regarding the possibility that making almost normal failures could lead to a new wave of coronavirus, the president recalled that the more contacts there are, the more infections, but that, now, there were "different conditions". "If we maintain prudence we can begin a transition to normality . It is time to start recovery. It is very timely that these Fallas are celebrated, but each one from co-responsibility and prevention", said Puig.


Plum Bloom

Registered User

Fallas 2022 in Valencia: Everything that can and cannot be done this year​

It is already known what the Fallas 2022 will be like after today Ximo Puig has appeared live before the media to explain in detail what the restrictions will be in the next and imminent March festivities.

Ximo Puig's press conference on the Fallas has insisted on the improvement of the pandemic situation, something that leads the Generalitat Valenciana to relax the sanitary measures for the Fallas, although some restrictions will still be in force.

In general terms, the limitations that will be in force in March during the 2022 Fallas are grouped into four large blocks:
  • Masks : they will be mandatory in those acts in which there are crowds of the public, such as the mascletĂ  , the castillos or the Offrenda. However, participants in the Fallas floral parade will be exempt from wearing a face mask during the event. So the falleros will not have to wear a mask in the Offering , but the public will.

  • Capacity : there will be no capacity control in the mass events of Fallas such as the mascletaes, the fireworks displays, the Crida or the Ofrenda.

  • Casales and tents : these will have to have two open sides to guarantee correct ventilation of the interior; Otherwise, it will be considered an interior space and those who are inside must comply with interior regulations and, therefore, wear masks. Currently, the tables will be for a maximum of 10 diners, although this issue will be reviewed in the coming days depending on the health situation and this restriction could also disappear or, at least, be extended to a greater number of diners.

  • Verbenas and discomĂłviles : they will be governed by the rules of nightlife, which implies that everyone must wear a mask except when they are consuming.

Plum Bloom

Registered User

The authorities warn of sanctions if the mask is not used these Fallas

Valencia faces the challenge of being the first city in Europe to celebrate a massive party again

No one is going to be persecuted, but those who do not wear the mask in mass Fallas acts such as the mascletaes, the Crida, the castles or the public of the offering will be sanctioned. This has been explained by all the police and municipal authorities at the end of the Local Security Board held at the Valencia City Council, which has been marked as a general challenge to give a great image of Valencia to the world, since it is the first party of this scope that is done in Europe normally.

Those responsible for the party take it for granted that it will be a massive party again, since they fall on the weekend and there is a desire to return to normality. Therefore, they believe that the only exceptional measure of these parties, the use of a mask in massive events, must be respected at all times. The falleros have already shown responsibility in the Fallas of September, all the participants agreed, so the appeal or warning is aimed primarily at the rest of the population that participates in these festivities.

Although the Councilor for Citizen Protection, AarĂłn Cano, has explained that the police "are not going to persecute anyone", because that would mean generating "a problem of public order", if they are going to denounce those who are surprised without the mask in a mascletĂĄ or in any other massive act. In this sense, the mayor himself, Joan RibĂł , who participated in the meeting online, has strongly warned that the police will sanction anyone who does not wear a mask. "This is not a police state, but the Health protocol is very restrained and we must be responsible. Let there be no doubt that it will be sanctioned," added the Government delegate, GlĂČria Calero .

In general terms, these Fallas are presented as a challenge for the citizens, for the festival and for the image of the city, explained Cano. "They are not normal failures, but there is a normal organization," said the councilor. All of Spain and all of Europe is awaiting this celebration, since it is the first of the great festivals that practically returns to normality, therefore "the first thing is health security, the image of the Fallas, and the image of the city" , especially after becoming Design Capital, Smart Tourism Capital and hosting the Goya awards ceremony.

With this objective, the police deployment will be essential and apart from the more than 2,000 services scheduled by the Local Police, there will be a strong device of the National Police, reinforced with two units of the Intervention Unit (UIP). The Councilor for Fiestas, Carlos Galiana , has highlighted the good coordination of the Security Forces and is convinced that they will be Fallas "as normally as possible, beyond the mask".

Laatst bewerkt:

Plum Bloom

Registered User

The Police assume that it will be “very difficult” to control the use of the mask in Fallas

Calero and Cano ask the public to do an exercise in "individual responsibility"​

Fining the use of the mask in Valencia has been one of the issues discussed this Friday at the Local Security Board for Fallas . The regulations oblige the Police to do so in situations of crowds , although both the Government delegate, Gloria Calero, and the Councilor for Citizen Protection, AarĂłn Cano, have agreed on the difficulty of doing so due to the risk of causing altercations of public order.

"The Police will fine," Calero said, to then appeal to "individual responsibility" in mass acts. Cano has made it clear on his part that the Local Police will not intervene in the mascletaes or the castles if this causes a "public order" problem.

How to access the mascletà? “With a mask, the councilor pointed out the question. "As if we were in 2019, but with a mask." Given the difficulty of controlling this type of situation, he has stressed that with “individual responsibility. Everyone already knows how we get Covid. Mask and responsibility.

“Do we want police parties with controls on every corner?”, the mayor has questioned. «Do we want the police to go after people who do not wear the mask? I think we are an adult society and that we all know where this is going, ”in reference to contagion.

“We will sanction, but we will not go after people because then we would not be talking about a party, but about something else. Whoever does not wear the mask will be exposed to a sanction, but individual responsibility cannot be subrogated to the Security Forces and Bodies », she stressed.

In the mascletĂ , he said, we must “find a balance, we cannot end up causing a problem of public order. The mask is mandatory and must be worn in all public gatherings. Whoever does not want to spend it is unconscious and endangers the rest of the people, in addition to exposing himself to a sanction. The police getting involved in an act where there are thousands of people for that reason we will assess it depending on each situation, always with consideration and balance ».


Plum Bloom

Registered User

ValĂšncia raffles 200 tickets to see the mascletĂ  from the balcony of the City Hall

They will be double invitations to attend the two o'clock shooting from March 1 to 10​

Citizens return to the balcony of the Valencia City Hall at the time of the mascletaes de Fallas . This was confirmed today by the Councilor for Festive Culture of the consistory, Carlos Galiana, who explained that 200 tickets will be raffled to be able to experience the shot of the mascletĂ  at two in the afternoon from the best place in Valencia: the municipal balcony, where There will also be the major falleras of ValĂšncia and their courts of honor, as well as the personalities who have been invited each day of these Fallas 2022 .

Specifically, a total of 200 tickets will be made available to citizens to be able to attend the mascletaes from March 1 to 10 . Interested persons will have to register in a form that will be made available for this purpose on the website of the Valencia City Council . Registration ( you can access by clicking HERE ) will be open from 0:00 am on Monday, February 21 (early morning from Sunday to Monday) until 11:59 pm on Wednesday, February 23.

The registration order will not be decisive to opt for one of the tickets (there are ten double invitations each day, from March 1 to 10), since all the people who participate will have the same possibilities, regardless of when they have signed up. That is to say, not by running much you will have more options to win.


Plum Bloom

Registered User

They will be double invitations to attend the two o'clock shooting from March 1 to 10

11 t/m 15 maart zijn niet beschikbaar, de plaatsen voor die dagen gaan naar de winnaars van 2020 die hun prijs niet konden consumeren.

Plum Bloom

Registered User

Ruzafa rules out light shows to avoid crowds in Fallas 2022

The Police will reject any request for ignition with schedules to reduce contagion while Malvarrosa considers requesting it​

The light shows of the Ruzafa fallas with lighting at different times have gone down in history. Cuba-Literato AzorĂ­n and Sueca-Literato AzorĂ­n have not submitted a letter to the Valencia City Council to request these events, since they have understood that in these times of pandemic they would not be granted them.

In the 2022 Fallas section, other events are contemplated, such as festivals, since it is a leisure offer that is distributed by more commissions and throughout the city, but in the case of lighting, the concentration of people It would be greater if schedules had been set and the objective is to avoid contagion.

It should be noted that the last year in which the Ruzafa fallas made night shows was in 2018. In that edition, strong security measures were already established and evacuation streets were established, and it was only the Cuba-Literato AzorĂ­n commission that continued with the program, since Sueca declined to do so.

In 2019, Cuba joined the resignation of Sueca, since they affirmed that they could not assume new measures such as defraying the cost of an ambulance that the Valencian Consistory demanded of them.

Despite this, these two commissions from Ruzaf will continue to decorate their streets with lights, in fact, on Monday in Sueca the assembly of cables and tensioners will begin and at the end of the week they will do so in Cuba-Literato AzorĂ­n.

The so-called 'falla de la llum', the neighboring Cuba-Puerto Rico, a pioneer in decoration, will also begin assembly on Monday, as will the Malvarrosa-Antonio Ponz-Cavite fault.

In the case of Malvarrosa, they do want to put on a musical show. In fact, in 2019 it was the only one to do so because they did not need an evacuation plan as they did not foresee the influx of more than 5,000 people. "The idea that we have is to see if we do the show, nobody has told us that it is prohibited and I think that, just like in the mascletà, people can go with a mask," says José Juan Candela, president of this Marítimo failure.

It remains to be seen if it is finally viable, since the Councilor for Citizen Protection, AarĂłn Cano, assures that "something that is not organized cannot be prohibited, but it is certainly not recommended in this pandemic situation and we will let you know."

He argues that this year more things are being allowed in the face of Fallas, “but we are still in a pandemic and risks must be avoided. It is about not adding more elements of risk ».

Despite the fact that Ruzafa does not perform these Fallas, the presidents of Cuba and Sweden do not rule out resuming it in other editions. "We will raise it again in the future, when the pandemic passes and when the City Council allows it with acceptable conditions," says José Juan Giménez, president of Cuba.

José Pedro Ros, co-president of Sueca, indicates that "in the future, and if the rulers make it easier, we would like to resume the shows, because now it is complicated because the responsibility for the measures is placed on the commissions."

In the case of Sueca, for the second year the lights will be signed by the Lighting Factory, Molina de Segura (Murcia). Cuba has Elecfes, with whom they have been working for more than 25 years (before together with Mariano Light). In Malvarrosa they bet on Electricidad C. Plaza (Salamanca) and they will have a higher gate than other years, 18 meters and there will be a nod to the 75th anniversary of the fault.

In the case of Cuba-Puerto Rico, the lights are mounted by Iluminaciones XimĂ©nez. «We do the 50th anniversary with them. We will make a nod to the 13 first prizes that we have with them of the 24 total achieved. We will pay homage to the first lighting that was set up for us and there will be retro touches”, describes Moncho CebriĂĄ, lighting manager for this falla.

In the highest category there will also be Malilla-Ingeniero Race JoaquĂ­n Benlloch and the juries will spend the 11th.
