Pirotecnia Peñarroja 01/03/2012


De review van Mikel Pagola (Piroart.com)
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Duur van de mascleta 5 minuut 26

"Ja estem in Fallas" is the phrase that was felt today in Valencia in a day, first mascletás, which has come to make 18 degrees spring: the sun was film. Failures are beginning 2012. And, like all recent years at their request, the wick has signed on Peñarroja, Castellon.

And with them this portal PIROART.COM, the dean of pyrotechnic information in Spanish, begins the thirteenth edition of his Special Fallas. On this day, March 1, but in 2000, began his career this domain. Thirteen years will be doing and (13!), Monitoring pyrotechnic polvorística information, databases and, ultimately, value the ephemeral art of fire. And here we are, once again, at your service to provide our view on the artistic and technical fireworks that will be experienced in this year's Fallas.

The Vall d'Uixó have made a nice opening act: one of his best performances in recent years. His fire consisted of two initial parts air. The first set (in the north). The second is deployed to all square with digital games and worked very curious.

Mascletero period has begun with good intentions since the body of the show today was formed by 6 withholding terrestrial air with their accompaniments. The best part was that these accompaniments have been well measured (without fanfare and without exaggeration). They competed together and not with the body of strings. And besides, the last check, the sixth, has been enhanced with digitized aerial shot all around the square. Very good. Precisely intended to invigorate the latter "instant" of ground fire before entering the earthquake. Underlined that air, turning the campus has made the summit just after (earthquake), was well seasoned before.

First, and as is tradition in Peñarroja, there was colored smoke (from the Senyera-flag of Valencia, red and yellow with a touch of blue). The air may not have wanted to work with because dragging Castellón fumes but there has been the intention colorful and visual (sight) so beloved by Jose Vicente Nebot Peñarroja fireworks. Before there was a fireworks Valencia (complying with the classical canons: most correct). After this began a trickle of thunder to be added then brush effects cracker. So far lasted the first air start focusing on the North. The second, in the square (as discussed above), emerged with truenillos in volcanoes across the square, moving. That has made some sound play up and down (digitized strokes). The volcanoes of color interspersed within the various movements were red and green. And then he added whistles.

There was a ring of thunder in the sky, a slow rotation, and a super final marking to indicate exact and certain and clear that it was anticipated that all ended there. Point and separately. Closure of the air (tight) and path to ground. Down the pyrotechnic piece was well built and also without excess noise. You do not need. We want to hear, enjoy, taste and feel the mascletá: not suffer. So Peñarroja very well. Up with her, a controlled, with truenillos and whistles.

In the sixth string, as stated, reappeared shooting scanned (progressive movement of fire we mean), who accompanied her to the earthquake. Volcanoes green red foci first and then, moving in opposite direction of clockwise.

Yes it is true that the earthquake was felt very quickly (short), perhaps because the Estopin was faster than it would have been desirable. Thus, while the sixth was reinforced to hold in air, earth final step came in strong and sound. It is the only "but" this mascletá. There were traditional bombing with it overlapped the subsequent heading: long and nourished. Screens was varied barrage. Style which now takes the end barroquizados: fillers, compact and long. For my taste almost too filling as any regular reader to this page know that we value the finer, almost. But we must recognize that the realization of this "multifinal" was very well done. It was not too long and, in some ways, it is true that the public likes it. He stopped in the right duration (more would have been excessive), and, above all, we must praise the technical purity of the material used which allowed, for example, closing sealingly in the air: accurate and expressive. Very good.

In general, this mascletá, be warned that the thunder air were well matched (in fuses and rises). And this is something super important in a show as technical as this. Painted around the thing very well. And another point to mention was that very favorably with scans accompany the earthquake. Moreover, let us observe that the first five deductions had the good sense to have support "controladito" (austere, say). In the sixth that was digitized air. And, upon entering the earthquake, Nebot Pepe Navarro (latest generation of this century-old house), had the greatest success of all: do not stop the scan. At the peak, in the "go for the kill", others stop what is in the air and leave the earthquake widower. By focusing the eyes on him, they say. This young fireworks, however, I said "is that just when I think harder not to take anything away from what we wear" (from the air, for example) "because if the intensity does seem to download a little. If within the square note, do not say anything if I think many people see the mascletá far. If you take away the reinforced air "(digitized)" at this point, from a distance if you paste a mascletá sharp downturn. " Very apt, yes sir. In fact we have always urged PIROART.COM rate this stop the air that you wear just before the climax of the mascletá not see him clearly. If, in the last restraint, stressing coming in the air, on entering the earthquake did not see the need to have to stop what is being done to (supposedly), focus attention on the end of earth. The tricky thing is, though, do end up hitting this emphasis may be extra air to the earthquake before it runs out. That is another thing. But the intention of Pepe is more than justified.

"Thank you for everything: for the attention we lend, for the pictures and the interest in our work," Nebot said goodbye Pepe Navarro of this critic. By all means, sir. Thanks to you, the Peñarroja and all other fireworks, for leaving us to study and disseminate (prior enseñamiento on your part), your way of life, to make and enjoy the fireworks, inherited from your ancestors.
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Registered User
Re: Pirotecnia Peñarroja (01/03/2012) - Mascleta Review by Piroart

Toen ik voor het eerst een "filmpje" zag van een mascleta (geen flauw idee waar ik naar zat te kijken) dacht ik alleen "zo grote knalluh jonguh!!!).

Puntje bij paaltje blijkt dat je naar iets zit te kijken waar mensen hun hele ziel ,zaligheid en emotie in leggen om aan een traditionele opbouw van pyrotechniek te voldoen dat door de kenners "gelezen" kan worden als een verhaal en wat geborgd ligt in de cultuur van deze stad/gebied .
Dan zie je dat het net even iets verder gaat als even een "rotje" afsteken en hier veel meer achter zit dan je eerst vermoed, dus er valt nog veel te zien en te leren. (hierbij heb ik het vooral tegen mezelf)


FPM Moderator
Re: Pirotecnia Peñarroja (01/03/2012) - Mascleta Review by Piroart

En de film van de mascleta van Peñarroja
