Officiële agenda Fallas 2005


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Ik zat er al een paar dagen op te wachten, maar vanmiddag is eindelijk officieel de agenda voor Fallas 2005 bekend gemaakt.

Dank aan RedBaron voor de code voor de Tabjes :)
[B]Día	Hora   Tipo          Pirotecnia	         Lugar[/B]

05/02	12:00	M	Gori, S.L.	         Cauce río Túria a*
27/02	14:00	M	Gori. S.L.	         P. Ayuntamiento
27/02   b*	E.L.C	Valenciana y Gori        Torres de Serranos
01/03	14:00	M	Peñarroja	         P. Ayuntamiento
02/03	14:00	M	Carlos Plá               P. Ayuntamiento
03/03   14:00	M	Benlloch-Martínez        P. Ayuntamiento
04/03	14:00	M	Quiles, S.L.             P. Ayuntamiento
05/03	14:00	M	Martarello	         P. Ayuntamiento
05/03	18:00	M.A.	Martarello	         Playa de las Arenas c*
06/03	14:00	M	Gori, S.L.               P. Ayuntamiento
06/03	d*	M.C.	Gori, S.L.               P. Ayuntamiento
07/03	14:00	M	Hermanos Caballer        P. Ayuntamiento
08/03	e*	M	Caballer, S.A.           Parque de Bomberos
08/03	14:00	M	Martí. S.L.	         P. Ayuntamiento
09/03	14:00	M	Esteve                   P. Ayuntamiento
10/03	14:00	M	Crespo                   P. Ayuntamiento
11/03	14:00	M	Tomás. S.L.              P. Ayuntamiento
12/03	14:00	M	Valenciana               P. Ayuntamiento
12/03	f*	M.C.	Zamorano Caballer, S.A.  P. Ayuntamiento
13/03	14:00	M	El Portugués             P. Ayuntamiento
14/03	14:00	M	Zamorano Caballer, S.A.  P. Ayuntamiento
15/03	14:00	M	Europla                  P. Ayuntamiento
15/03	00:00	C	Turís, S.L.              Paseo de la Alameda
16/03	14:00	M	Turís, S.L.	         P. Ayuntamiento
16/03	01:00	C	Ricardo Caballer, S.A.   Paseo de la Alameda
17/03	14:00	M	Ricardo Caballer, S.A.   P. Ayuntamiento
17/03	01:00	C	Antonio Caballer. S.A.   Paseo de la Alameda
18/03	g*	M	Valenciana               Monumento M. Thous
18/03	h*	M	Antonio Caballer         Monumento M. Serrano
18/03	14:00	M	Antonio Caballer         P. Ayuntamiento
18/03   01:30	N.F.	Caballer, S.A.           Paseo de la Alameda
19/03   i*      M	Valenciana               Puente de San José
19/03	14:00	M	Caballer, S.A.           P. Ayuntamiento
19/03	23:00	CR.	Caballer, S.A.           P. Ayuntamiento
19/03   01:00	R.F.A.	Caballer, S.A.           P. Ayuntamiento

M       Mascletà
E.L.C.  Efectos de Luz y Color
M.A.    Mascletà Aérea
M.C.    Mascletà de Colores
C       Castillo
N.F.    Nit del Foc
CR.     Cremà
R.F.A.  Ramillete de Fuegos Aéreos 

a    Junto Exposición del Ninot, frente a Nuevo Centro
b    Al finalizar la Crida
c    Entre el Balneario de las Arenas y Posta Sanitaria de la Cruz Roja
d    Al finalizar la Cabalgata del Ninot Infantil
e    Al finalizar la visita al Parque de Bomberos
f    Al finalizar la Cabalgata del Ninot
g    Al finalizar el Homenaje a Maximiliano Thous en su monumento sito en el cruce de
     la C/ Sagunto con C/M. Thous
h    Al finalizar el Homenaje al Maestro Serrano en su monumento sito en la Av. Reino
     de Valencia
i    Al finalizar la Ofrenda de flores a San José
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Ik zie dat er helaas geen extra shows zijn ...
Ik heb zelfs het idee dat er een show minder op staat .

Geruchten waren namelijk dat Valenciana een show zou schieten op de 12 waarna de avonds shows van start zouden gaan .

Voor de rest ziet het er zeer goed uit
Vicent caballer heeft zoals sommige al wisten de Nit de foc en de Crema ..En vergeet natuurlijk zijn mascleta niet ook op 19-03 ...dit zal een waar spektakel worden ..

We gaan aftellen mensen ...

Ben je nou in het begin van de week al in Valencia dan moet je zeker de Mascleta napolitana gaan bekijken ..Dit is zeer tof om te zien , je staat lekker dichtbij en ik weet zeker dat je zoiets nog nooit meegemaakt heb ...

Je kan hem zien op 05/03 18:00 Martarello (Playa de las Arenas ) Strand

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the legend means this:

M Mascletà ... this one is clear :)
E.L.C. Efectos de Luz y Color
(light and colour effects)

M.A. Mascletà Aérea
(arereal mascleta)

M.C. Mascletà de Colores
(colour mascleta)

C Castillo

N.F. Nit del Foc
(nit del foc, another one clear)

CR. Cremà

R.F.A. Ramillete de Fuegos Aéreos
(small fireworks show)

this part refers to places where some shows are going to take place.
a Junto Exposición del Ninot, frente a Nuevo Centro
(by the side of the Ninot exposition in front of the New Center commercial center... metro station Turia, the exposition is closed when all the ninots are taken to be placed in their respective fallas)

b Al finalizar la Crida
(at the end of the Crida.)

c Entre el Balneario de las Arenas y
Posta Sanitaria de la Cruz Roja

(between Las Arenas spa and the Red Cross post... in the beach of Las Arenas)

d Al finalizar la Cabalgata del Ninot Infantil
(at then end of the child Ninot cavalcade)
e Al finalizar la visita al Parque de Bomberos
(at then end of the visit to the Firemen station.. but i don't know which one)
f Al finalizar la Cabalgata del Ninot
(at the end of the ninot cavalcade)
g Al finalizar el Homenaje a Maximiliano Thous en su monumento sito en el cruce de la C/ Sagunto con C/M. Thous
(at the end of the tribute to M Tous at the cross of these streets)

h Al finalizar el Homenaje al Maestro Serrano en su monumento sito en la Av. Reino de Valencia
(at the end of the tribute to Serrano at the monument at that avenue)

i Al finalizar la Ofrenda de flores a San José
(at the end of the flowe offering to San Jose)


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There are many things to see ...these are the most interesting in my opinion...

Any mascleta at the P Ayuntamiento= City hall square. Almost surely, any Maslceta out of these place will be smaller.

just to see the napolitan mascleta.. that is an aereal mascleta and by this italian pyro
A pity that this is at 5 of march, i won't be there to see it.
05/03 14:00 M Martarello P. Ayuntamiento
05/03 18:00 M.A. Martarello Playa de las Arenas *c

Most important acts, probably some of us will be there to see them
all Mascletas from day 1 of march at P ayuntamiento always at 14:00.

Fireworks at Paseo Alameda (in the old river bed) days 15 at 00:00 hours ,16, 17 at 01:00 hours
Nit del Foc,day 18 big fireworks show at Paseo Alameda at 01:30 hours

Note that some minor acts are scheduled at the end of some other ones, these are not that important to be wainting for them .

Crema at P Ayuntamiento day 19 at 23:00 and small fireworks show (RFA)... more likely a combination of fireworks and mascleta at 01:00... mmm let's see...
always the RFA is before the crema of the falla. thenstarts the crema of the last falla, the one in the Ayuntamiento square (in theory). So what means CR at 23:00 ? may be crema of the children falla of the city (also in Ayuntamiento square)? in that case this act could be missed, is not that important.


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activi zei:
always the RFA is before the crema of the falla. thenstarts the crema of the last falla, the one in the Ayuntamiento square (in theory). So what means CR at 23:00 ? may be crema of the children falla of the city (also in Ayuntamiento square)? in that case this act could be missed, is not that important. [/B]

Could be missed? Well, there are some nice fireworks in between the crema of the infantil and the big one. Besides, it's very crowded as of 23:00, so you better be there early otherwise your view will be very bad (somewhere in the end of a small street).


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Monday 14 at 18h and tuesday 15 at 18h will be make known the results of the public poll in the Ninot Exposition (for the indulted ninots)