New Pyro Effects


Registered User
Want to start a thread that logs new effects e.g pastel colours, kamuro fan cakes etc. The guys in Euro are spoilt but many others only get Chinese stuff and they still dont offer much stand out new stuff.

Start the ball rolling with a question that has not 100% been answered In General Discussion section.

How did they spell MALTA in fireworks?

Quoting other posts-

Mary Fireworks Factory
File: wmv
Size: 106Mb
Duration: 11 Minutes
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And then at 9 minutes and 20 seconds you will see the word MALTA . I dont know how this guys made thos 2 effect mentioned above but i can tell you its really fantastic,.

I think I maybe have a clue on how they made the MALTA. If you make single shot candle blocks in the shape of the letter u want and you fire them towards the crowd you get to see the letter (to make the letter grow point the candle´s a little outwards of each other). In this way I think you could make and letter/shape. (But the candle´s need to shoot with the same power and at the same time) And

Is this true?


Registered User

Your 'theory' is exactly mine, and also based on something simulair I've seen in the past.
The trick is to only use stars and liftpowder as close in amounth/weight as possible.
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Registered User
Crackle effects have been very popular over the last 2-4 years in Chinese stuff. Does anybody have ideas as to the names and effect descriptions of the different crackle types?

I have heard terms like, Spider Crackle, Delayed Crackle, Thunder Rain, Magic Balls, Golden Crackling Flowers, Explode Balls, Dragon Eggs.


Registered User
YES, the letters MALTA are very impressive in this film. I had to review this section many times... Yes, I think as Propyro2 and T-sec suggest that it is some find of an array of star guns that are precisely aimed, and loaded carefully with the same star (dimension, density), lift charge. It would be very interesting to hear from them how they actually did this. Too bad that something luminous starts to burn on the backside as these letters are shot.

Making letters in the sky has also been part of documentaries on TV before. I don't recall where now. Maybe later. I have never seen very impressive letters in the air.

I have seen very impressive cubical shapes in the air. I believe this was from a show in Montreal in 2005, choreography by Eric Tucker. You need to see these cubics too. Thanks to Reflections (below), I relocated a copy of this movie online. Below the video is an option to download an MPEG.

I have also seen a Japanese shell with a very usual effect, like a colored "Merry-Go-Round". This was last year in April, in Japan. This show had many highly artistic pattern shells, with Cat-faces etc.

In the past, at the PGI, I heard the name Donna Hersch be used in connection with Cam Starrs pattern shells. Does anyone know her? What she's doing? I may misspell the name, it was in 1994 or so that I heard her name.

In the general discussion forum I saw that you were asking why the Maltese do not go to China and help them make better fireworks? Interesting question, that I would like to hear answered from either Maltese or Chinese pyro's. But I can make a guess, that for the Maltese, making the fireworks is 'driven' much more by motives of the feast, the club, and they must use everything as much as they can from the island. Finally, the Maltese fireworks are only very rarely exported. The Chinese have different mind-set; they must export, they must make articles for a market of very large numbers.
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oh i tihnk those cubic shells were from the chinese firm, sunny international in the 2004 montreal fireworks! here's the vid, i think that thrice breaking crossettes are also new it was done by pyromagic of china in the montreal 2003 here's the vid i think that it was the last yellow ones! my guess why maltese people don't go to china is that because their fireworks is just for their country or sumthin like that!! i don't even think they sell fireworks or join international competitions outside malta! uhm how bout nautical crossettes? i tihnk those are new also! and also nautical go getters!heh! i think the maltese shell that was like a willow then it had a red pistil and blue pistil that was like a star is also amazing!
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