Need to Organzie a Show: anyone wants to give suggestions or contribute/partecipate?


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I need to organize a private display for a family event. Something rather professional and long (5minutes or more), to include:
a) Powerful/high level shells, brightly colored and with a good variety as to size and uniqueness of the pattern.
b) A display of eastern or eastern/like shells. I am referring to shells made in Japan, or in the best factories in China these days. I keep being impressed by what I see coming from China and liked the Japanese shows in Dusseldorf very much.
The location of the display it's almost secondary and still open, as so is the accompanying party. It should be on the central Mediterranean but that's pretty much one of the few requirements. I thought an ideal location for the show could be in Malta. The Maltese have a truly skilled and passionate and I am told it could be cost effective as the numerous Fireworks companies are volunteer based and make everything in house. Plus, scenically Malta would be a great setting of course.
I personally have limited skills to contribute and would be involved in the celebration (would be watching/entretaining rather than firing, unfortunately) but I can hire professionals if needed, and can finance the purchase of the best materials/shells.

Does anyone have any suggestions on who I should contact/how should I move to get a top show done?