moor parades


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Besides from fireworks and fallas there are even more things to see!!

moors and christians parades are also typical from several towns in valencia and alicante. Most famous are in Alzira--edited: sensenick is right (see below), it's in Alcoi----. Usually takes places the day the towns was reconquered to the moors. Are separate parades of rows of people dressed to look like moor or christian, not accurate representation of the dressed of that time, but a more or less fantastic ones. The rows (called filas) are foolowed by a band of music including kattledrums.

Some fallas are also moor and/or christian filas and they do some parades in fallas. I have seen several ones but i think that are two remarkable:

Parade of Falla Almirante Cadarso-Conde de Altea
one of the special section fallas in the center of valencia. Day 19 at 19hrs moor parade. the most important in valencia. Need to get there some time in advance to get a good place to see the parade. There are chairs to rent by the falla. The parade can be a bit long, but if you never have seen one may be of your interest to see all the differents rows of moors.

A few pics of this moor parade i took in the year 2000, sorry for the low quality.







The second that may be interesting is because is very very centrical, not too long and it's ok just to see one in a few minutes instead of standing a couple of hours
Moor parade Falla Plaza del Negrito
I have seen a couple of times on day 19 afternoon probably around 19h, in Caballeros street and Virgen square, near Negrito square.

two pictures, from 1999 sorry for the quality.


Laatst bewerkt:


Registered User
Well, the most famous are from Alcoi, in Alicante (celebrated usually 22-24 april).
On 22nd morning, christian "army" come into the city, and at 16:00 (until 21:00) the moors come in.
There's some "mascletàs" and "castillos" too, but in addition, the 3rd day (usually 24th) there's some "battles" with arquebus (here's a small sample from Elda, in Alicante too: ), a must see for "powderfans".

Moor troops are usually preferred for their beautiful suits and more spectacular music, that's why in Valencia you can find the "Parada Mora" and not "Parada cristiana" or "para mora y cristiana", (and because of the lack of time).

A video from Alcoi: It's very poor (only one and single christian "fila" :( ) , but I can't find anything better, sorry, it's better to see and listen it live.

Some photos:

"Entrades" (entrance, 1st day):


"Alardo" (battles on morning and evening of 3rd day):
Laatst bewerkt:


Registered User
Hello Activi, i remember once i was in Fallas i think in the year 1998, and there was also a parade. But this one was early in the morning, o you can call it in the middle of the night. Anyway it was a very special moment in Fallas because i was suprised and i did't expected it. It was after the display around 02.00 hour, and my brother an i we were walking back to our hotel, and suddenly there was the sound off the parade off the Moors and Christianos, with the sounds off the drums. It was so special that i still remember this event. Anyway, this city has always special things, therefore i like this town.