Mascleta Pirotecnia Zarsozo - 09/03/2011


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Heel jammer van het overbodige digitale ' Europla' stukje. Voor de rest vind ik dit een zeer goede mascleta.
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FPM Filmer

The mid mascletá failure (along with tomorrow's day 10, since both are the center of the program), was awarded another year to Zarzoso (Height, Castellón). Valencia started with fireworks (twice, just in case), and then I have come truenillos green and a trickle of thunder. They have also promoted whistles red light bulb. In a second air start cicadas have displaced whistles (which have gone then.) As I was still running this shoot, has begun a third digital around the square, with thunder, mixing both for a while. You should try to take care of this match to avoid it.

In the digital part, which has been long, have seen several musical performances, varied, repeated a few times (a few bars of batucada, and other touches). These things and heard in this place before too, in previous years, the hands of other firms. In this connection of music, and as we said before, we insist here that, perhaps, better to repeat the same pattern several times to play several short schemes followed. Because the public often needs to hear the same thing several times to identify and, if it is changing "music" continuously, it can lose and not understand what you're doing.

The fact is that once this digital outputs, Paulino Lara wanted to Zarzoso tagged with volcanoes before moving on to set fire to the strings, denoting some intention to define "correct" the end of the first third. On land have drawn attention to the accompanying purple volcanoes aerially to mascletá ground. There were also more common color-like red or green, in ignition fuses thunder falling. The top dressing consisting, in turn, of truenillos and whistles. The mascletá body, which was only four holds, has risen dramatically in the last strength of them. The whistles have become especially well recognizable at the time, but in the air.

Entering the earthquake has been particularly sharp for being something. It has become clear, perhaps, that the last check was only 10 groups and that the end came with four-legged land. In addition, the custom of giving Zarzoso hand-earthquake fire from the area of Post, sets out what we have said here other years: evidence that a jump sound from the center of the square to the corner. This change of location of fire breaking sound sharpens we have discussed. The branches had all their thunder hung, ie they were ginjolat type (using the nomenclature of the former fireworks scholar Andrés Martí Castilian), so that the thunder did not explode directly to pass the fire but were turned retarded. Iban subjects with double rope: "I always, since it costs nothing, the double string tie, just in case", said Officer Francisco Barqueros Richarte.

The bombing, or last third, to begin without haste, has made the thunder past the end of earthquake orphans remain somewhat reflect an intensity drop at that point between land and air. There, at the top, have been used truenillos spongy hail and thunder and long. Then there was a repetition of truenillos, slightly faster, cicadas, and a rash, now, faster, thunder. And after this, and ended the bombing (which, as we say, has been twofold), has launched the most controlled of the fires.

In this section completely digital, there have been thunder rolled direct ignition (number six), which would accelerate. The move, unusual but valid, has been in the opposite direction clockwise. The greatest success of this mascletá has been all this run, since it has been based in an easy to recognize (to walk around the plaza), and has played with the intention of acceleration. This creates an expectation in the public enough having him on tenterhooks waiting accelerates how fast and to what level of acceleration comes the realization. It is also clear and consistent execution in its entirety. It was a good use this way. And you must also add that technically the execution was flawless. And above, was in the right measure of time without tiring or alliteration. After the tours of "rolled" into the square, reaching a peak speed, there have been consecutive and rapid knock down (in ring across the square), amounting cicadas have emerged, there has been a final "anillazo" in the soil, and exploited, finally, the thunder that came up with the cicadas. Ending, then, in heaven (with a fringe). In short, the complete set has contained movements fulfilling the following scheme: acceleration shot> straight down shots ring> cicadas curtain across the plaza> beat down> blow up. Super easy to understand, without fanfare (unless it has come to bother the ears and that should be avoided), and, above all, logical and without getting lost. Well defined and convincing as the final realization.







