Mascleta Pirotecnia Marti - 08/03/2011


FPM Kalender Beheer
Op wereldvrouwendag! Een puike Mascleta zo te zien in de herhaling. Snelle reeksen digitaal en mooie opbouw.


Een hele mooie Mascleta.
In het midden naar de finale toe voor mijn gevoel ietsje te eentoning maar mag niet baten gezien de finale.
Een mooi digitaal stuk wat kenmerkend was in de secuensese op de grond met de andere timing er boven.
Shit dat ik er weer nie bij ben, maar dat doe ik zelf.
Ooit zal ik er eens bij zijn !!!!!!!!!!

Groetjes Stef


Registered User
Hoewel ik klassiek schieten van de Mascleta (met de hand en goed getimed) geweldig vindt. Is digitaal super gaaf als het goed gedaan wordt. Ik zal niet onder stoelen of banken steken dat ik al jaren een fan ben van Marti en hun eigen manier van schieten.


FPM Filmer
De review, foto's en film van

De film is gemaakt vanuit het torentje op het postkantoor.

Revised the mascletá today, March 8 (International Women's Day), hours after his shot and preparing this review, I'm clear what the words expressed by the members of the firm Martí in relation to "do what you want the public. " Today we have seen, the style of your mascletá 2010, a fire that had a sharp end: the final crush. That was the ultimate intention. In a way we can say that we had a mascletá first, and a shot pirodigital (a show part) later. One thing on one side and another on the other. I know that many of the public what he liked are the forty seconds left. Of heading-bombing.

The two major Fallas of Valencia have given the order to start together, Reyes looked Martí. After that have emerged shy truenillos (green and red). It's been a very smooth start. I have seen this very well: start very slightly. Curious to compare how it started (as "light"), and then see how it ended (with so much and so long din). Starting with one little volcano of truenillos see it very well when followed properly lift the tone gradually. After adding an effect over truenillos, Carlos Granados Marti has gone into action, taking the initiative and bringing the fire to the East Side (mail-boat.) There, in a second air start, has suggested (as an appetizer), the digital with the ending after the show. Has made some introitus. Has hit two shots and made travel to the failure (from south to north, by the side of Post Office), a digitized fire whistles and volcanoes, immediately afterwards, have turned to the post office. Has returned back to North truenillos and whistles while adding a trickle of thunder. Followed with another run of pipes and back up volcanoes (South-North) that appeared to have been premeditated as marking before going to ground.

Taking ground fire and most striking, at first glance, was that he had colored thunder downloads (hanging by the tail to drop the offspring of thunder). The fuses put the thunder with color has brightened the shot from the point visually. The shot string was happy and was well directed. It has come to be accompanied in air from both sides of the square, with volcanoes of truenillos. In the sense that we discussed coloring the trip has to be said also that some effects of wearing diamond truenillos downloads and thus further decorate the most correct flow of the body mascletá. The embargoes have gone very well until the end of the quarter where it might (in a really good performance), has been the only minimum slump that you were able to perceive. But overall, the whole body of the mascletá has been well executed.

By repeating presence in the fabulous location of the tower of the Palace of Post and Telegraphs, the photographs shown in PIROART.COM (see below), moments before the shooting, the most correct situation can show the ropes and the whole trip . All were white bucs (giving a fantastic sleek corporate image), and its layout was neat and clean. Was lacking in the soil, the presence of the bombing in the south. The final air was made primarily from plastic platforms located on the east side (mail-boat.)

The fact is that we had been in the mascletá, yet, as I said, were well fed. Upon entering the earthquake, however, this (direct fire), he felt so sensitive. "We, the earthquake input, the same branch, 25 meters, which last year: three," said Bernardo Romero Granados. Indeed. But it just sounded good connections in 2010. Remember that in past failures, Marti made perhaps his best mascletá (strings + entry to the earthquake) in the square: it was great.

After the earthquake there were no traditional bombing but rather an endless succession of curtains, tracks and hits with truenillos, whistles, thunder digitized soil, increases in shade, etc. Comings and goings focused mainly on the eastern (mail-boat), but with some notes as well, rather secondary in the West (City Hall). All types of effects and movements in a total of forty seconds (twenty minus this same in 2010), in which the public, indeed, was stunned, but in which, perhaps, lost the thread of what was happening. Both "bramaor" in the words of Carlos Granados Martí, and so up and down, with both travel and performance, was that in half, cut the waste could have won even more expressive. For example, the intonation of a phrase very very very long, much to cause surprise (something wanted by Martí, for example), making the phrase lose expressiveness and liveliness (as much as you shout). Valga, somehow this example. I think, particularly, that this type of mega-headings (also seen last year in mascletás of other companies), they break the agreement that should have this part with the rest of the show. Remains a free show juxtaposed. Anyway, if any, these movements up and down gestures must have a clear, precise and accurate. With light strokes, well defined and outlined so you do not get lost among the tangle of fire. As a curious comment on the thunder digitized Post side were mounted at three different heights. Also, as critics say that at the height of explosions came to disturb them in their ears (something that is not recommended).

Well was, however, by Marti, the act of offering in the second air start, an appetizer of what we would then led and sublimated in the final. This criterion denotes circular was read from the point of view of composition scheme, the most interesting. Only polish and more clearly outline these achievements, it would be great. Dando, for example, more definition in the first set of movements presented in the air start, and retrieving it later, amplified (non-exaggerated, no fuss), in the end. However, compared to 2010, Carlos Granados Martí has been able to shorten the time of his mega-final flourish (megafinal). So we are on the right track. And the public has not noticed anything that reduction. I'm sure you can repeat the process on any future cuts, nor is notice mascletá shortening. Look the same, and more canonical, if well drawn and explained the gesture to be shown. So, anyway, so good if we see a trend in this regard.











Een film van 1 of ander tv station met goed geluid.
Je moet alleen de volume iets hoger zetten.



Registered User
En ja hoor.. Kreeg weer kippe(n)vel. Heerlijk digitaal stuk op het eind zeg! Vind Marti steeds beter/bruter worden in haar mascleta's.


Registered User


Kijk dat bedoel ik. Marti is echt lekker bezig. De mascletas bij mercado rusafa zijn ook altijd erg goed! Kan iemand wat meer vertellen over die truenos met meerdere truenos erin? Vicente gebruikt ze ook als ik me niet vergis. Het geeft een bepaald ritme, leuk om te zien en te horen.

Dat zijn die dikke zakjes die je ziet hangen. Volgens mij gaan er 8 kleintjes in.
Sommige gebruiken ze ook tijdens de terremoto en laten hem dan overgaan naar de nr 5 treuno's om te eindigen.