Meer info over de Galaktika Ring:
Importeur: Funke
Artikelnummer: FF-B55W-C
Netto kruitgewicht: 75 gr.
Aantal stuks inhoud: 1
Kaliber: 55mm
Tijdsduur: 3 sec.
Schietrichting: Opstijgend
Bruto gewicht:
Karton eenheid:
Effect beschrijving:
Big rocket with fins and burst effect.
Effect: Silver tail to Chicken blood red ring with white strobe pistil.
Rocket with fins in category F2, which were actually designed for the Swedish market, since rockets with sticks are no longer permitted there. Because of the high production costs of such rockets, and the powderweight of over 20g, which is why the rockets can only be sold in germany with a license, we only produced a small amount of them for Poland.
In addition to this, there are the currently extremely high container/shipping costs, which more than tripled compared to last year; and these rockets take a lot of volume due to the big fins, so that ca. 70% of the rockets price is made up by the transport cost, and only ca. 30% by the actual production cost - according to this, the price is disproportionately high, and who does not necessarily want to have a rocket with fins and a really nice design (or doesn´t live in a country where there are unfortunately no rockets with sticks available), can buy e.g. a Iskra Alfa rocket in F3 for the same money, with more than twice as much powderweight and a stick