Fireworks selection competetion for 2008 Olympic Games


Registered User
It was a picture of Fireworks Selection Competetion for 2008 Olympic Games which was held at the Fireworks Watching Platform of Liuyang on June 21.

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Registered User
Hi Victor, first of all thank you for some of your topics. But i get the idea it is a little bit of spam for your site because i only see topics with links to your website.


Registered User
Thanks for your suggestion, Z@P. I will only make a sign under a "fireworks" words so that somebody directly link to fireworkstown and won't put a direct link in the forum. If somebody trys to visit fireworkstown,can click that "fireworks" words, if don't , not click it.


Registered User
Hello Victor, perhaps you did not understand what Z@p was trying to say... It appears that you are "spamming" on FPM because the only thing that you post here on FPM are links to your own website Fireworkstown. That is one of the basic things that many spammers do;... they try to draw as much web traffic to a certain site... In principle we welcome your posts, but perhaps you can present your posts here on FPM in a different way so we don't think it's just because you want people to go to your site. The Americans would call this "beating your own drum" a bit too much.

Good luck anyways.

Please do not feel insulted. That's not my intent, neither Z@p's I'm sure.

Can you please just tell us here in this Thread a bit more on what kind of selection competition was held? I presume it has to do with the bidders who want to fire the fireworks at the 2008 Olympics. Which companies competed?


Registered User
Somebody told me that there were 15 Liuyang fireworks factories had attended the competition, but I didn't get the list. I had arrived at the outside of Fireworks Viewing Platform at that night, but can't go into the display site:embarrest: .