Fireworks a problem for people and pets


Times Colonist
Published: Friday, September 29, 2006

Re: "Compromise on fireworks," editorial, (Sept. 23).

If only it was just about pets and Oct. 31. In my area, the bangs and screamers begin in mid-October and continue into December, going off 24 hours a day. Some elderly people braved the Blitz in the U.K. and are strongly affected, my mother being one of them.

You just have to go to the emergency room to see how kids can be affected. I still cannot encourage my dog to go for an evening walk around the block after last year's barrage of bangs and screamers.

Will it take a devastating fire before city council bans fireworks? I would encourage everyone affected to send council a message through complaints to the police whenever they see fireworks being discharged on any road, park, school property or beaches.

Carol Williams,
