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F.lli Di Candia Daylight (10/11/2007)


Here the 4th daylight show of the 10th November fired by F.lli Di Candia.




More pictures can be found in this F.lli DI Candia album!

F.lli Di Candia Daylight
File: wmv
Size: 206.9Mb
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Registered User
The bombe da tiro:

1) failure
2) 4-sfondi: 8 lampi + 3x 3 riprese + controcolpo (on the ground)
3) 2-sfondi: 4 riprese + 2 riprese + controcolpo
4) 4-sfondi: 4x 4 riprese + controcolpo (on the ground)
5) failure

About the display:

Timing of the display was good and finale was huge, BUT the display had too many failures! Two bombe da tiro exploded. Some fermate exploded. Explosion in the finale, that caused the display of Romano to start and destroyed some of their mortars.
Just before the finale a nice series of stutate: 4x4, 5x5 and 6x6.
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Registered User
i di candia devono sparare solo colpi gialli e neri

Translate to Englisch
of candia they must only shoot yellow and black blows
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