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One of the better places in valencia for tasting real buñuelos

is called Fabian, at c/Ciscar 5


There are many stands in the streets selling churros and buñuelos, buñuelos are more typical from valencia and for fallas, in theory should be made with pumpkin
that's why many times we can see a pumpkin in an street stand, that's all the pumpkin those buñuelos will see, as they are made the same way of churros.

Some places in valencia made real buñuelos which taste better, one of this is Fabian. Why we can know that it's a good place, because of the queues for a table inside to eat a chocolote and buñuelos, and for thw queues in the streets stand in front of the door for the buñuelos to take away. They are not cheap, but quite good and big.

I recommend to visit this place. In the week of fallas there are people queuing , but normally moves relatively fast. For all those of you who are at valencia in the days before 15, queues will be smaller.
The place is simple inside, not too many tables and only a couple of them for big groups.

How looks like these buñuelos:

I recommend to go in the afternnon from 5pm on, and/or for having buñuelos as a dessert of your dinner, or instead of dinner :cool: