Meer info over de Bombenraketen:
Importeur: Funke
Collectie: Funke
Artikel nummer: FR50-Mix
Netto kruitgewicht: 53 gram
Aantal stuks: 6
Kaliber: 40mm
Tijdsduur: 5 sec
Schietrichting: vuurpijl
Bruto gewicht:
Karton eenheid: 12/1
Klasse: Cat. 3
Effect beschrijving:
Mixpack of 6 different rockets, 53g NEC per rocket, Category F3, CE-Certified, ADR 1.3G
Assortment of 6 different "Bombenraketen" with rising tails in gold and silver, and big burst effects.
Contains one piece each of the following rockets:
1.) Bombenrakete Brokat-Grünblinker
Gold tail to long burning brocade crown with green strobe
2.) Bombenrakete Corolla-Rotblinker
Gold tail to corolla with red strobe
3.) Bombenrakete Goldregen-Blau
Gold tail to golden willow with blue peony
4.) Bombenrakete Multicolor-Blinker
Silver tail to multicolor strobe (red, green, yellow)
5.) Bombenrakete Silbercracker-Violett
Silver tail to big silver chrys with violet dahlia
6.) Bombenrakete Weißblinker-Blutrot
Silver tail to white strobe with chicken blood red dahlia
Each effect is shown in the video multiple times.
Our first F3 effect rockets, which still need some improvement in the future, as some effects seem to sparse. But the rockets were produced in china during the most humid period of the year, so from our experience the effect ignition will be better once they are in europe for a few days, so we will have to test them again once arrived.