[2009] Review Mascleta Hermanos Caballer


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Welcome, dear readers, the tenth "Special Faults of PIROART.COM - Portal pyrotechnic. The most important feast day fireworks started in Valencia and in the coming days, for the tenth consecutive year, we're going to bring players in it.

Brothers Caballer offered what in the book "Fireworks in Valencia" was named "Masclet show": a realization of a very high standard firework into mass show, based on a Masclet. And say "based" not because they have little Masclet but because it is more than just that: it is not better, is different. Transcends the traditional Masclet to become the modern Masclet that in some ways, is the option which gave us the historical moment (technological) in which we live now. To Jorge and Jose Vicente Caballer Villacañas was a succession of dance movements with a day of fireworks within Masclet: surrounding a Masclet. Is very complex, with a thoroughly modern and very scenic and powerful. Very aesthetic with their markings, underlining their digitized (when the protagonist is another fire), its integrated digital creations (when the role is explicitly a "digital") and general cleanliness. There are only two "buts" to this great fireworks show in particular: the failure to reach (the hair) to 5 minutes long (which is like a psychological barrier in Masclet), and an earthquake "information is" strong or too intense for this very critical point of Masclet. The latter will not "forgive" (said with all due respect), but the length has two readings. One which we have already made (the exact objective minutaje can see the end of this review), and positive: it has the merit of making a spectacle both digital pyrotechnic juggling in no time. Eye, taking an inside Masclet (which in this case is a complication). In short: it offered a very complex shot quickly (for the quantity of orders they had), subject-adorning, a Masclet itself. Indeed, the plaza, crowded, again put the sign "no tickets".

No more theories, we come to practice (they did): the fire started, with very good reason, with a large fireworks valenciana. After this historical bureaucratic land is more than ever, opening fire and air, color appeared Volcancito and truenillos. Also cracker and thunder (well, the sound was in the middle of a thunder truenillo and proper, giving a variety of sound plus the act). There were whistles and effects of a rapid leakage of thunder. What really matters who did the Almenara, rather than the effects used here, or their quality (which, incidentally, was very good) is how to design the initial fire air: let's say in two phases. First, the commentary, usually fired from the area, and a second from all the area fires (the entire width of the square). In this second air filled the entire space, gaining an enormous expressiveness offered by all of the above but now in wide screen format. Having appropriate and around the stage area, began offering digital perimeter shot there: tours of thunder in the ground, up to eight, accelerated, achieving a resounding effect.

As explained in this portal Luis Alberto Villalba Álamo after the last of these "correcaminos", there was a marking, accurate, made from four points (the corners), with boxes of Chinese fast shooting thunder. This was achieved with four large columns of fire with explosives capitals. That mark, which drew the line end of the air begins, marked the start of the fire ground. Carrying five point continuous air monitoring, with volcanoes color, whistles and horse mackerel. Well fed the body of the Masclet and also used some shoring highest sound inside it. It rose very well and accelerated in the latter part of the fire by adding land tours of volcanoes around the red square in the air. The earthquake, which came with 7 branches, maybe go a little stronger than it would have been desirable in the perfection of everything else. José Vicente Caballer Villacañas said "the fact is that in this place, I prefer to err on the side by default." It is not that bad or came too but peceptiblemente change the tone at this time so difficult, because take a "burden" there. The final air later topped by round, well, did not waste. With turns to the square, truenillos, screens, and thunder serpentones. He made a very quick implementation devilishly thunder. In fact all the final action was very, very sound. And despite the amount of thunder that used separate opening on the whole square (fill), got everyone together at one time creating a final round, where they exist airtight: clear, accurate and great. A deployment to match what he had done before. The Masclet itself (the "classical"), is in second place with so much shooting Malabar. This fire daytime, so now this is all a show: to understand (or define), apoteósico (large) and very expressive. As said the fireworks, "is Masclet is designed for television." (We'll see whether Channel 9 have been able to capture half of what it offered this shot ...). Rioja that: a show.


4 minutes and 57 seconds. In 2008, lasted 5 '05''(today was 8 sec. Less)


José Luis Ramírez Caballer before the Masclet with his children: George (right) and José Vicente Caballer Villacañas, real artíficices of this great "shot."


José Luis Ramírez Caballer with "El Portuguese", Jacinta Jose Lopez, who shot at night in the same place a color Masclet during the Cavalcade of Ninot.


Een mooi film gevonden van de mascleta. Beelden zijn afkomstig van Canal9.

En nog 1 film van de mannen achter Hola Valencia Blog!



FPM Moderator
Zo dan, zo te zien op film ( en dat is moeilijk vind ik altijd) een hele dikke mascleta.
Erg hard en agressief. Lekker hoor!

Ook erg veel lucht effecten gebruikt langs de kooi, gaaf om te zien.