[2009] Falla Almirante Cadarso - Conde Altea


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Naam: Falla Almirante Cadarso - Conde Altea
Artiest: Manolo Algarra
Thema: Abróchense los cinturones
Budget: 240.000 euro



Naam: Falla Infantil Almirante Cadarso - Conde Altea
Artiest: Javi Igualada
Thema: Creativitat
Budget: 45.000 euro


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I like that this artist, Manuel Algarra, do a lot of ninots based on political, social and famous people of spain. Of course it is funny for spaniards who see inmediately who is characterized and have fun with the scenes even not understanding valencian.


For example in this funny scene

a famous judge of Spain, Garzón, who have opened files for searching in graves of died during the civil war, people killed during that time. Those killed by republicans were already find out in the times of Franco, but not those killed by nationalists. Some see this as a wrong action that opens injuries again, and that is going to be very expensive.
In this scene he puts the childs to dig the land and find bones, but one of them find the bones of a bishop, and Garzón says, no that don't interest me (as he was not killed by nationalists but by republicans)


This scene depicts two famous players of Valencia CF (and also spain national team) who could be moving to Barcelona FC (also known as Barça), so he changed the name of the travel agency from Barcelo to Barça-lo
and tells "Villa and Silva travelling? They prepare the luggage in case they sign and have to change of equipment"

The children falla was also lovely, about what childresn want to be when they grow up.

this wants to be pyro, and use computer to shoot
