[2007] scenes of fallas you liked


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We can post pictures of fallas and scenes we liked, better with some explanation why you liked

i'll start with two pictures of Falla El Pilar (3rd prize) and one scene and a big figure i liked a lot.

This big figure of a young girl that goes out at night for having fun. This falla was about having fun at night, "open till dawn"


i liked how detailed was made this figure, her dress, how colourful it was.


Form this falla too, this scene was named 'kings of fun' or 'kings of good time'

poster said
"Here we see some fun-lovers that for many are the glory, night inhabitants who were born in prehistory"

we can see mick jagger as a mummy and some skulls singing
there is also marylin mason in a related scene at the right side.

I liked the ninots of mason and jagger, specially how well was done the mummy.


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This is a nice thread Activi and of course I will contribute as well.

This picture is from a Ninot of the Falla Infantil Sueca-Literato Azorín. The Falla got 16th prize in Sección Especial. I liked this picture, because (for me) it depicts the diligence of the artist.

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Being taught classical languages like Latin and Greek in school, I still have a weak spot for everything related to these ancient times, especially when it comes to Mythology.

What I especially like in the Falla Ayuntamiento is the interaction between and the facial expression of the two main characters.



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This picture of a Fallero with a firecracker in the Falla of Convento Jerusalén is one to be liked by anyone who loves fireworks. Again the facial expression is very good.



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Having a weak spot for the ancient times, I obviously also liked some other big parts of the Falla Convento Jerusalén.

In the first picture I admire the marble effect of the statues.

The second and third picture are almost impossible to describe. I like how it depicts the capture of Odysseus by sirens (again Mythology). For me it's perfect, because of the colours, anatomy of the bodies, paintings on the dresses, etc..


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In the same Falla of Convento Jerusalén I also liked these Ninots. There were three of them. I've seen that you (i.e. Activi) have them captured in one picture.

I'm not exactly sure why I like these. Is it because of their anatomy? Or is it the combination with a real fabric?



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I really liked the Falla Almirante Cadarso-Conde Altea.
Especially because of the facial expression, which makes it seem as if the Falla was a picture that was taken in the middle of the action.

Did you notice the expression of the cat on the back of the lady (picture 2)?


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Naturally I liked the Ninot Infantil Indultat of Falla Infantil Almirante Cadarso-Conde Altea. I had already voted for this Ninot to be saved in the poll.

A perfect setting with elves, so sweet, great use of colour and such a good feel for even the most tiny details. Which actually can be said for their entire Falla Infantil of which I took lots of pictures.







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This side (picture 1) of Falla Nou Campanar I especially liked because it refers to the Orient with their fantastic culture. The colours came out really good, because the sun was just setting.

I liked the backside of this Falla (picture 2) better than the frontside. Lots of facial expression, great texture on clothes and buildings/rocks.




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This is a picture of a Falla Infantil close to Mercado Central. The colours are truly brilliant. I remember last year's Falla Infantil had those same sparkling colours. Fantastic paint job.



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Just like Activi I also liked the Falla of Plaza del Pilar.
Great use of colour (picture 1) and so much detail in texture. I just noticed the special nail-polish on the girl's nails (picture 2). The third picture shows a Ninot with very beautifull colours.

Besides that, the location of this Falla is superb. You won't actually see it, until you're really close. And then it confronts you in all it's beauty.



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This paint job of Falla Na Jordana goes without saying. What detail!
Same can be said for the painting (picture 2).
I couldn't resist their Falla Infantil either (picture 3). It's not that abundant with figurines, but due to that it clearly focusses on the main part and one can still enjoy the surrounding figurines.



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Two scenes i liked from Falla Exposicion-Masco

4th prize for this falla, which i liked a lot because it was the funniest and still quite well made.

Title for this falla 'i tu a que juegues?'
'what do you play?" about toys

In this scene we can see a game for children , 'gallinita ciega' = 'blind man's bluff' but a literal translation would be 'blind hen' also playing with the word 'blind' as it means also ' going blind' to be very drunk
the car is the egg car that has smashed as the hen goes blind (drunk) also ntoce the hen with the bottle and how it looks to be really drunk


In this scene a boy is doing magic, but the rabbit out of the top hat is more a beast than a rabbit, the rest of the children scared of it.



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From the winner falla Nou Campanar

i liked many things but the most were some of the big figures and two scenes

this big figure was about 25 meters from the bottom of the falla, i wish i had a better camera with a decent zoom. Isnt' she nice?
I think represents de italian team of americas cup 'luna rossa'

Two scenes i liked

this one was about the boom of constructions in the coast
the commercials were funny as weel as all those small caterpillars working
meanwhile the snails are getting tanned

some of the commercial says
'LaGUASA (the mockery)construction of 35772 huts with sights to the one at the side'
'estate the pending, villas pending of finishing one day (in the future)'

another scene, this is very related with spanish society
the ex-major of Marbella in jail nowadays for corruption and his girlfriend, the famous singer of traditional music (that i hate) Pantoja
quite well done

"a couple of opportunist come to the call of the business"


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From falla Convento Jerusalen

a falla i liked a lot but there is not an scene remarkable over the others, they are all great

i liked this composition, note the horses in the air, everybody liked it and wonder how the artist made it,
thinking it was too fragile?, well they resisted the strong winds of day 19

and i like how moises was done, showing the fury, and he represents the president of a falla asking for the same things everyyear to the artist.. so this falla have several scenes criticizing the presidents of fallas and how fallas are always the same, even in the future (this falla represents valencia in the future under the sea)

so i like it because Mosises was very well done and the fact of criticize the fallas.


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For me and my wife the pictures that follow are of one of the most special moments during Las Fallas 2007. The pictures are of the Falla on Paseo de la Alameda which was close to our hotel.

When we were walking back from Plaza Ayuntamiento we saw the Falls being lit from a distance. Since we were allready smelling of smoke and ashes we figured we would add another Crema to our list of the night. When we arrived at the Crema we didnt know what we saw, there actually was a robot of fire walking on the Paseo. It really was a spectacular sight and thank god we had taken some pictures of the Falla before La Planta so we can show the process of a Crema and what is does to a Falla.

Picture 1 is the almost complete Falla, picture 2 shows the skeleton of the Falla (yes aliens do exist), picture 3 shows the top falling down, picture 4 shows what i left after about 10 minutes of Crema






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picture 2 looks like a robot... coming from hell :wacko:

when it was just an innocent harlequin :noworry: