11th Fallas special by Piroart.com


Welcome, Dear readers as, the XI Special of Fallas by PIROART.COM - portal fireworks. The largest daytime fireworks festival in the world has returned to start in Valencia and in the coming days, for the eleventh consecutive year, going to approach the players are and what their shots. As a novelty, and to facilitate the understand-ing for readers unaccustomed to the spaces of the "cathedral of mascletás" mos-strate a scheme that will serve as a reference when we quote the placement or execution of fires in the Square Valencia City Council:


The red indicates the normal provisions of the major steps that have this type of fire. BOMB TMTO contractions and mean "earthquake" and "bombing", respectively. Names in white indicate the side corner for orientation. When we speak of "perimeter" of the square will be referred to inside the gray area is the fire itself, which is protected by a 5-meter go up around them.
