07-03-2022 - Mascletà - Pirotecnia Nadal Marti

Plum Bloom

Registered User

La plaza del Ayuntamiento de Valencia este lunes.


Zilveren Member
Hmmm, nog steeds rotweer dus.....

Maar de mascletà van vandaag dus zelfs opgeschort/afgelast. Knap balen voor Pirotecnia Nadal-Martí!

Hopelijk morgen beter weer voor Pirotecnia Marti! (Om het maar even wat ingewikkelder te maken met de twee deels overeenkomende namen! 😁 )

Plum Bloom

Registered User

Suspended today's mascletà Monday March 7

The Fallera Central Board has communicated the cancellation of today's shot due to weather conditions

Suspended today's mascletà Monday March 7

The Fallera Central Board has confirmed the suspension of the " mascletà " scheduled for this Monday, March 7 , due to weather conditions. It was planned that the shot would be carried out by the Nadal-Martí pyrotechnics , but the rain and the weather in Valencia during the assembly have prevented it from being carried out.



Registered User
ziet er kwa weer echt beroerd uit komende week, dat we zoiezo een flinke bak regen gaan krijgen valt denk ik helaas niet te vermijden, helaas dat er dan veel niet door zal gaan, maargoed we gaan het zien, steken wel een extra rotje zelf af dan. :)


Hoop voor jullie dat het snel beter gaat worden.
Weet niet meer welk jaar het was. Maar toen hadden we heel de avond regen tijdens nit del foc.

Plum Bloom

Registered User

The Fallas look to the sky again

The first suspension of «mascletà» begins a stage of instability that includes a large part of the days of festivities​

The Fallas do not finish showing themselves calmly. It is normal that, throughout 19 days, some storm passes that, like this Monday, forces a “mascletà” to be suspended, or that the “plantà” is affected by the downpour. After the Dana that martyred the September Fallas on a date when it doesn't usually rain and less so wildly, questions now hang over what is to come. The forecasts a week ahead are not entirely reliable, but at the moment they are not good for the city and, by extension, for the party. After a few months of January and February with practically no instability.

Except for a threat for Tuesday, where the danger is not completely saved, now there are several days of certain calm, but the State Meteorological Agency warns again of the danger for Saturday 12 -day with innumerable acts in the street - with a high percentage chance of falling water.

From then on, the different portals coincide in warning of the danger of downpours practically every day except the 19th. They warn of the arrival of a cyclogenesis, but which, today, are focused on the north of the Valencian Community.

Nadal-Martí was left without shooting yesterday and now it remains to be seen what is done with the shot and with those that could be suspended in the coming days.

Normally one is recovered in events such as the Virgin or the 9 d'Octubre. Another option is to take advantage of Sunday the 20th to make a particular party snack.

In this scenario that is so unstimulating, the artists of Especial have used Monday to bring fragments of fallas to the demarcations. The voluminous and well covered. It is too close in memory what happened unexpectedly on September 1.



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Bad luck with the weather after almost two months with no rain,.. not a single drop of rain since the first days of january in most of spain and now it rains in fallas.... we need the rains but i hope at least they are no heavy rains or dana type rains. We got a dana in the first day of fallas in september and several fallas got damaged.
Danas are unlikely in march, we called them cold drop before the new term dana.

in the meantime checking aemet site every day for the 7 days forecast,

in some weather sites give a 15 days forecast but ist's very unreliable, or i pray they are this time...

Plum Bloom

Registered User
Vanaf vrijdag bewolkt, mogelijk zondag weer regen.

Nou, die voorspelling was al vast niet best. Vandaag en morgen behoorlijk zonnig en regenkans zeer klein.