04-03-2022 - Mascleta - Pirotecnia Zaragozana

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Zaragozana pyrotechnics raises the volume of the "mascletà"

They go from pessimism about the rain to reap a loud ovation from the square​

The Zaragozana pyrotechnics has emerged gracefully from the weather forecasts and has also increased the volume of the "mascletà" in the fourth shot of the Fallas cycle. In total, he has burned 85 kilos of gunpowder well distributed in the second part of the session and concentrated by 30% in the last 12 seconds. Enthusiastic applause for a square that this time has been short of public surely for fear of time.

"It has come out as I intended, with power, rhythm and that it had a tremendous ending that would move people, and that has been achieved, the older fallera has told me that she has been moved and I am left with that", he explained to the end of the shot the person responsible for it, Luis Brunchú.

The tension was experienced before starting the assembly. Brunchú has confessed that they were "pessimistic" about the rain, because "after two years without being able to come we wanted to participate in the party, but when we saw that at ten minutes to eight it stopped raining we talked to the firemen and they gave some very good forecasts, so we said go ahead, this is ours".

Representatives of the Regulatory Council of the Chufa de València appellation of origin, the trustee of Compromís in the Corts, Papi Robles, the local Fallas councils of Benetússer, Carlet and Sant Antoni de Benaixeve have been invited to today's mascletá; the Primado Reig-San Vicente de Paul fault, Maximiliano Thous and Calabazas-En Gall, as well as representatives of the Orriols neighborhood association in Lucha and San Marcelino.
