
  1. P

    New Water Effect Cakes

    Hello FreakPyroManiacs, its Chad Barrett here from ProFormance Pyrotechnics in LiuYang China. I would like to ask the assistance of as many of you as possible. We have developed some new water effects which can be viewed on our website at http://www.proformancepyro.com/products.htm , If you...
  2. Tony

    Fireworks cops in hot water

    JOHANNESBURG – The Ekurhuleni metro says it has taken strong disciplinary action against three of its metro police officers who set off fireworks during the festive season. SPCA officials and other firework activists were outraged at their behaviour after People Against Fireworks member Paul...
  3. Vinnie

    Lesli: 2900 ton vuurwerk en 1,2 miljoen water.

    Lesli: 2900 ton vuurwerk en 1,2 miljoen water. LICHTENVOORDE - Lesli Vuurwerk bv breidt fors uit. De capaciteit van de bijna voltooide opslagbunkers bij de Lichtenvoordse importeur van Chinees vuurwerk bedraagt 2900 ton. De huidige opslagcapaciteit is 350 ton. Begin oktober moet de nieuwbouw...