
  1. F

    Vroege of late knallers

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  2. Tony

    Lives put at risk by late night fireworks

    A FIREWORKS prank in the middle of Mooloolaba on the weekend could have resulted in serious injury and major property damage, according to experts. The massive firework was set off by troublemakers near the junction of Parkyn Parade and Brisbane Road – an area surrounded by resort apartments...
  3. Tony

    Fireworks Arrive a Little Late

    The 4th of July in Port Orange is arriving a bit late this year. The city has announced its going to celebrate the holiday ...On October 6th. Back in July, News 13 reported the Volusia County City would have to cancel fireworks because of the fire risk. They were worried the display could...
  4. C

    :NEWS: late breaking news, I am bring it to you as I have just discovered

    Here in the United States we are under a threat of legal proposition! A STATEMENT FROM HARRY GILLIAM PRESIDENT OF SKYLIGHTER, INC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are a fireworks maker, and if...