fireworks display

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    Festeggiamenti in onore di Maria Santissima del Mirto, Villafranca Sicula AG Sicilia 2/5 agosto 2024

    Parte l'organizzazione dei grandiosi festeggiamenti in onore di Maria Ss. del Mirto, Patrona di Villafranca Sicula (Ag) che si terranno nei giorni 2/3 e 4 Agosto 2024. Uno dei primi passi è stata affidare la divulgazione sul web di tutto quanto concerne l'organizzazione, e come farlo se non con...
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    Can You Buy Fireworks In UK?

    In order to buy fireworks in UK , you must be 18 years of age or older. You can purchase fireworks from a licensed seller at any time throughout the year, but most retailers only offer them during firework season (October-November). On Bonfire Night (November 5th), fireworks can be used until...
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    Why the UK Celebrates Bonfire Night?

    History of Bonfire Night A History of the Festival Every year on November 5th, the United Kingdom celebrates Bonfire Night also known as Guy Fawkes Day and Fireworks Night , involving bonfires and fireworks displays. But why do they celebrate it? What is the history behind this festival? In...