
  1. F

    Carmelo Di Candia (Daylight Show)

    A good show, with good "Bombe da Tiro" but that at times they almost end to earth, "Fermate" excellent that underline the great professionalism of this firm but with some overlapping to correct and with a few times to be systematized. A very noisy end, with the sweet of the coloured smoke aereal...
  2. F

    Carmelo Di Candia (Evening Show)

    Also to Novoli, Di Candia is given by to do! Nothing to whether to obviously see with the great show of Ginosa, however here I have been able also to admire a good show of this firm. Excellent "Bombe da Tiro" with turned on colors and alive (even if the first 2 have gone to earth because of...
  3. F

    Carmelo Di Candia - Winner of the Festival (the best "Fuoco" and the best "Finale")

    In the country of Ginosa (Taranto, Italy), every year is held, the first Sunday of October, the grandiose Feast in honor of Maria SS. del Rosario, with a great pyrotechnic competition. This year the competition will be the top, because sees the presence of well 5 firms!!!! This is the first...