
  1. F

    10th Anniversary of HK's Return to China

    Here you can post comments for article: 10th Anniversary of HK's Return to China
  2. F

    Fireworks to display in HK celebrating National Day and 10th anniversary of HK's return

    Here you can post comments for article: Fireworks to display in HK celebrating National Day and 10th anniversary of HK's return
  3. B

    Fireworks Hong Kong SAR 10th Anniversary

    Vorige week werd in Hong Kong de 10th anniversary van de overdracht aan China gevierd met als hoogtepunt een vuurwerkshow van meer dan een half uur waarin bijna 32.000 shells zijn afgeschoten. Check dat dan! Finale is echt wel wreed! Ik zat zelf de week ervoor in Hong Kong, echt fucked up dat...
  4. V

    The Fireworks Which Celebrates The 10th Anniversary Of Hongkong's Return Were Set off

    Deleted This Message For Repetition (sorry About This)
  5. V

    Fireworks Effect Which Celebrates The 10th Anniversary Of Hongkong's Return Exposed

    In order to celebrate the return day, Hongkong will hold a largest fireworks display in the evening of July 1. Mao Weicheng, the executive-president of Hongkong Gangxin Fireworks Manufacturing Company which takes charge the fireworks performance, expressed that there will be 31888 pieces of...
  6. M

    Jubilee Fireworks 20th Anniversary

    19th May 2007 One of the UK's leading companies celebrates 20 Years in the Industry
  7. L

    Saint Andrew's Feast in Luqa, Malta - 2005 - 125th Anniversary of the Union Club.

    Dear Friends in Fireworks, Hope that you are very fine. I am writing you to inform you about the fireworks programm 2005 of the Saint Andrew's Feast held in Luqa and our clubs 125th anniversary celebrations. The celebrations will take place in two whole weeks: from Monday 20th to Sunday 3rd...